Course Projects
ASTR 403: Cosmology Poster
- Files: Poster
- Description: A poster discussing the uses of the (classical) Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm and (quantum) variational eigensolver algorithms in contemporary cosmology.
PHYS 319: Microcontroller Tuner
- Files: Report - Slides
- Description: A report detailing the construction of a tuner made with a MSP-430 microcontroller and other electronic components. A set of codes and a notebook detailing my adventure with this cursed microcontroller can be found here, including (but not limited to) a program to Rickroll your favourite TAs using nothing but an MSP and a buzzer.
CPSC 210: Quantum Circuit Simulator
- Files: Code (GitHub) - Video (YouTube)
- Description: A java app that can simulate one/two qubit quantum circuits. Admittedly super limited, but a fun exercise to learn a new language nonetheless. I don’t think the IBM Quantum Composer can be topped, anyway.
SCIE 001: Acoustic Analysis of Wood Varieties
- Files: Report
- Description: A first-year’s attempt at self-directed research, jointly attempted and written with Annika MacKenzie. We studied acoustic properties of various species of wood (lumber) through acoustic/spectral analysis, to determine what wood types are most suitable for building musical instruments.